By J. Grey
Comedian Kathy Griffin shared a photo of Stormy Daniels visiting her backstage after her show Thursday evening in Boston. She also shared a video of her talking with Daniels about Melania’s now infamous jacket.
The video starts mid sentence with Griffin saying, “'Melanie' doesn’t know she’s human.”
“What do you think of 'Melanie' wearing that (muffled) jacket?” Griffin then asks. Stormy turns to someone off camera and answers, “We were talking about this today.” “Earlier,” the man adds. “Even if she’s mad at the media, wait a (expletive) week. Like, don’t do it today,” Griffin says.
“Time and place, honey,” Daniels grins.
The man off camera adds, “The letters are so big; it’s not a mistake. It was the entire (expletive) jacket.” “Her staff did it,” Griffin jokes. “Does it come that way?” The man asks. “Yeah, it comes that way,” Daniels grins before adding, “maybe she didn’t look at the back of it.” Then, she stands and motions to Griffin, “Somebody - some gay - who was like a plant, and was like here…” Griffin laughs, "Maybe... I love a little gay saboteur.” Daniels adds, “My dads are gay, so they just, you know…” “See, everything comes together,” Griffin says, “Now I get it; now I see where you get your balls, your beauty and your brawn. And your brain!” The video ends there, but the two seemed to hit it off pretty well. Griffin also posted a picture of her and Daniels making a gesture towards Donald Trump: